Friday, May 15, 2015

Insurance Covering Abortion

Ms. Hernandez's article about insurance covering abortion was interesting. Women's healthcare is a hot topic in Texas government. Law makers have gotten creative in limiting women's access to abortions and women have lost more and more of their reproductive rights. This isn't just an issue in Texas. Many other states have similar bans, restricting women's access to abortions and limiting control of their lives.

Whether or not abortion should be covered on insurance should be an issue left to the insurance provider and handled in the same way any other medical issue would be addressed. Women would be able to choose insurance based on their own personal needs, regardless of the beliefs of their workplace, state, doctor or current healthcare provider.

Maybe it's time to start looking at the root causes of many of the reasons for abortion.

Some women choose abortion for financial reasons. It's a sad reality that not everyone can afford to raise a child, even a wanted child. It might be a good idea to socialize childcare. Offering free childcare would make it much more affordable for families to raise their children. Of course that isn't the only expense to consider in raising a child, but it would take the focus off of finances.

Some women choose to have an abortion because they are not prepared to have or raise a child. They should not be forced to endure a pregnancy they don't feel ready for, regardless of their personal reasons. If they do decide to go through the pregnancy, they should have their medical needs taken care of and a secure family placement for their child. This would help many women who are pregnant decide whether or not to carry the pregnancy to term based on their personal needs instead of fearing for the well-being of the child.

Some women choose to have an abortion because their child will be born with severe medical issues. Those are some of the saddest cases, because there is not much than can be done other than offer palliative care to the newborn and counseling to the family. In these cases, it seems like the most humane option is to abort as soon as they know the fetus cannot survive.

To the people who are actually concerned about abortion and would like to see it become rare, please consider supporting comprehensive sex ed classes in high schools and public classes that inform people on their contraception options. Help make those contraceptive options available to all who need them.

Don't limit women's access to medical care. We have a right to chose what happens to our bodies.

If you need any more reasons to keep abortion as available as possible, read Abortion Wars or The Story of Jane

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