Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Double Standards

Our Texas government is poorly organized. From our state constitution to the legal system, there are very shaky guidelines on how our government should be operated. We have a basic structure, consisting of courts and public offices that give us the illusion of a justice system, but our laws are unevenly enforced. Minorities, women and poor people are most affected by unjust laws and double standards.

Why is this a problem?

The system can be easily exploited and favors large businesses who know how to work the system

The people who are currently in charge don't want to give up their authority.

How can we fix this?

Take money out of politics.

Keep elections simple and state-funded.

Currently our Texas senators are paid ___ per year and will accept bribes and favors from lobbyists, even though it is technically illegal to accept contributions.

Our judges are allowed to accept campaign contributions from people who are being tried in their courts.

Lighten the load on the criminal courts

Most of our law enforcement resources go towards prosecuting for victimless crimes

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